Third Mission to Honduras Focuses on the Quantitative Profiling Component – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

Third Mission to Honduras Focuses on the Quantitative Profiling Component

Related Topics: Methods

After two fruitful missions in September and November 2017, we are supporting partners in moving forward with the profiling exercise in Honduras.

Our third mission took place in February-March 2018 and aimed at supporting the profiling Technical Working Group with the finalisation of the exercise’s quantitative component, i.e.adjusting quantitative indicators and tools, as well as planning for the data collection phase.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Credit: MjZ Photography, Flickr).



Updating displacement data to inform national prevention & solutions plans

Migration in Honduras has traditionally been associated with economic and employment factors, but in recent years displacement linked to violence and crimes has urged the Honduran Government to implement strategies and policies for prevention and response to displaced citizens’ increased need for protection.

After an initial profiling exercise in 2014-2015, led by the Inter-institutional Commission for the Protection of Persons Displaced by Violence (CIPPDV) and carried out in collaboration with in-country partners and UNHCR, we returned to Honduras in 2017 to contribute to the updating of displacement data to inform the operationalisation of a national legal framework for IDPs.


Finalising quantitative indicators and designing data collection tools

The profiling examines the displacement situation through a mixed methods approach. The previous JIPS missions focused first on specifying the objectives of the exercise, setting up coordination mechanisms and gathering secondary data, and then on designing a protection-sensitive and context-specific methodology for qualitative data collection.

Building on this our recent mission focused on designing the quantitative component of the profiling. During two working sessions with World Vision Honduras, leading the qualitative component of the exercise, and a consultant supporting the preliminary analysis, we reviewed themes and indicators identified through the qualitative data collected, to ensure they were adequately taken into account in the questionnaire design for the quantitative data collection phase.

These sessions were also valuable for our own continuous learning at JIPS: the feedback on lessons learned and good practices of collecting data in highly sensitive contexts helps us improve our own profiling practices.

During two collaborative workshops with the Technical Working Group we then worked to:

  • Finalise the indicators for the quantitative component of the profiling

During our first mission to Honduras in September 2017, a draft mixed methods approach including qualitative and quantitative indicators was developed. This served as a basis for the design of the methodology and tools for the qualitative component. On this mission, we engaged with the Technical Working Group to agree on the final set of quantitative indicators based on the agreed-upon indicators and findings from the qualitative component, and supported the finalisation of the sampling frame.

  • Jointly design the quantitative data collection tools

Based on the indicators agreed upon for the quantitative component, we worked with partners to jointly design the questionnaire for a household survey. We expect the tools to be finalised in the upcoming weeks so that the National Statistics Institute (INE) can start rolling out the quantitative data collection.


Next steps: data collection and joint analysis

At JIPS we are happy to work with the partners on this collaborative project between the Honduran Government, the UN and national civil society organisations, which all have committed themselves to the successful outcome of the profiling exercise.

Following the quantitative data collection phase, the information from both the qualitative and quantitative components will be jointly processed and analysed by the Technical Working Group. The partners are committed to continuing to work under a do-no-harm and protection-sensitive approach throughout the remaining phases of the profiling exercise in this challenging operational context. Keep following our website for more news on this process that aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the displacement situation in the country, including the perspectives of both communities at risk of displacement and those already displaced.

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