Libya/Tunisia: JIPS Delivers Tailored Profiling Coordination Training – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

Libya/Tunisia: JIPS Delivers Tailored Profiling Coordination Training

Related Topics: Capacity development

JIPS held a five-day Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) in Tunis, Tunisia for participants responding to the displacement crisis in Libya. Representatives from government, UN agencies and NGO’s took part and learned how to design and implement a collaborative profiling process through a simulated training exercise based in the fictional country of Freedonia.


Exploring a potential profiling exercise

This was the second time that JIPS has offered a country-specific PCT in contrast to its regular global and regional training events. Following a request from UNHCR Libya, JIPS designed the training to provide municipalities and the federal government of Libya as well as the humanitarian community with a clear understanding of what profiling is, and what it can offer. The training simulation centred on the role of a profiling working group in collaboratively steering and managing any profiling exercise. The training covered the technical aspects of designing and conducting a profiling exercise including methodology design, developing an analysis plan, themes and indicators, data collection tools, and analysis and data interpretation.


Build relationships on displacement data across the country

The 23 participants came from various government agencies and municipalities in Libya as well as humanitarian actors mainly from the protection sector: UNHCR, UN OCHA, IOM, UN Women, UNMAS, UNFPA, WHO, STACO, REACH, CESVI, Save the Children, International Medical Corps, Handicap International, and Mercy Corps.

The training offered participants working in different parts of Libya a unique opportunity to come together, to build relationships and discuss how to improve and gather more in-depth information on displacement in the country. Despite the political and operational obstacles of pursuing this work in the Libya context, at the end of the training many of the participants expressed an interest in working together to undertake a profiling exercise in Libya in 2017.

JIPS is grateful to UNHCR for financing the training, and to co-facilitators from UNHCR and DRC.

Read more on Profiling Coordination Trainings

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