JIPS 1st Mission in Rakhine State, Myanmar: Developing Objectives, Methodology and Scope – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

JIPS 1st Mission in Rakhine State, Myanmar: Developing Objectives, Methodology and Scope

Related Topics: Durable solutions

In May 2016, following a request from the CCCM Cluster and partners JIPS conducted an initial mission to Rakhine state, Myanmar, to support a profiling of the IDP situation in the area. With the intention of informing a more comprehensive response and to help find solutions for IDPs living in camps, this collaborative process will be implemented in the second half of 2016.

During the mission, JIPS worked with various government, humanitarian and development counterparts to identify stakeholder interest, and assess feasibility and opportunities for profiling through field visits and partner consultations. A Technical Working Group (TWIG) was established to oversee the planning and implementation of the exercise, and various key first steps were completed including the development of agreed-upon the objectives, determination of the scope of the exercise and agreement on key methodological elements.

Initially focusing on Sittwe Township, the profiling will be implemented during the second half of 2016 with a plan to replicate similar processes in other displacement-affected Townships in Rakhine. Recognising the value of reliable and agreed-upon data and analysis to improve long-term programming, advocacy and support the search for solutions for IDPs, the exercise will build upon work already initiated by partners in the region.

Through a comparative analysis of populations in different IDP camps and selected host areas in Sittwe Township, the profiling aims to:

  • update IDP population figures/estimates,
  • understand the displacement history of different sub-groups,
  • understand the living conditions, vulnerabilities, capacities, coping mechanisms of target groups, and
  • gather information on future intentions or perceptions regarding possible solutions amongst community members

For more information, go to the Myanmar country page.


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