Measuring Progress Towards Durable Solutions in Ukraine: Scoping Mission to Kiev (Aug 2016) – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

Measuring Progress Towards Durable Solutions in Ukraine: Scoping Mission to Kiev (Aug 2016)

Related Topics: Durable solutions


JIPS conducted a scoping mission in Kiev following a request for support from the Shelter Cluster for the Ukraine response and UNHCR. With various Government and Cluster partners, the Cluster aims to conduct an assessment of the situation of IDPs residing in collective centres, where needs are thought to be especially acute. The assessment seeks to identify available and adequate durable solutions based on the needs, vulnerabilities and capacities of the IDPs.

The overall objective of the mission was to support the Shelter Cluster, UNHCR and partners to initiate the exercise, while ensuring a collaborative approach throughout the process oriented towards measuring progress towards durable solutions.

During the mission, we met bilaterally with key partners, visited a number of collective centres within Kiev, and held an initial working group meeting with Cluster partners. The fruitful discussions achieved the following:

  • Proposed coordination structure, objectives, methodology and timeline were discussed and developed for the durable solutions assessment process in collective centres; and
  • Needs and opportunities for further profiling steps were identified, including strengthening of existing data collection systems, interest from government counterparts and engagement from development actors.


Following this mission, we will support partners in Ukraine to finalise the methodology for a durable solutions collective centre assessment and will discuss and advise on plans for broader profiling exercises with Government counterparts and humanitarian and development partners.

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