Urban – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

JIPS' Partner Event 2021: Transforming Data into Action for Solutions to Internal Displacement

The evidence we build on internal displacement is essential to design and implement effective and sustainable solutions. However, how this evidence is generated and used matters every bit as much as the evidence itself to drive positive change in displaced people’s lives and promote nationally owned solutions. Jointly organized on...JIPS' Partner Event 2021: Transforming Data into Action for Solutions to Internal Displacement
Related Topics: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Refugee & IDP statistics, Urban, Durable solutions, Capacity development, Community engagement
– Published 27.Apr.2021

The Transformative Potential of Data in Internal Displacement Situations: Recommendations to UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement

Data can have a significant transformative power in internal displacement situations – which we in JIPS have witnessed throughout our 11+ years of supporting data-related, collaborative efforts in over 25 different contexts around the world. The role of data in addressing internal displacement should be seen as cross-cutting and can...The Transformative Potential of Data in Internal Displacement Situations: Recommendations to UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement
Related Topics: Durable solutions, IDP policy, Capacity development, Community engagement, Refugee & IDP statistics, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Urban
– Published 18.May.2020

Working with IDPs' Realities in an Urban World: Recommendations to the UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement

While it is widely repeated that a majority of IDPs across the world have relocated to towns and cities, the implications of the urban dimension – where IDPs are living, amongst whom, and within whose local jurisdiction – of displacement for policy and practice are rarely examined or developed. More...Working with IDPs' Realities in an Urban World: Recommendations to the UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement
Related Topics: Urban, IDP policy
– Published 18.May.2020

Thessaloniki Report Launch: Profiling of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Third Country Nationals

We are excited to share the news of the profiling report from Thessaloniki, Greece, which was launched by partners in-country in December 2019. The result of a collaborative effort between the Municipality of Thessaloniki, UNHCR, various UN agencies and international NGOs, as well as Greek NGOs and volunteer groups, this...Thessaloniki Report Launch: Profiling of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Third Country Nationals
Related Topics: Durable solutions, IDP policy, Community engagement, Urban
– Published 20.Jan.2020

Durable Solutions Analysis in Darfur, Sudan: Profiling Results & Methodology

As part of ongoing efforts towards durable solutions for Darfur’s internally displaced people (IDPs), the Government of Sudan, the United Nations Country Team and the wider international community represented by the Durable Solutions Working Group (including UNDP, IOM, UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, OCHA, UN-Habitat, INGO Steering Committee and donors) initiated, in 2017,...Durable Solutions Analysis in Darfur, Sudan: Profiling Results & Methodology
Related Topics: Urban, Durable solutions, IDP policy
– Published 20.Jan.2020

A Training of Trainers to Feed Into the Urban Profiling in Yemen

Since early 2019, JIPS has been supporting UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS) in Yemen to implement urban profiling exercises and produce a sound and agreed-upon evidence base that can inform recovery and reconstruction efforts in the country. Having supported earlier profiling exercises in 2010 and 2014 (looking at the...A Training of Trainers to Feed Into the Urban Profiling in Yemen
Related Topics: Urban, Methods, Capacity development
– Published 10.Oct.2019

Building Capacity for Urban Profiling in Cities in Conflict: UrbAN-Syria Consortium Delivered its First Training

From August 26-29, 2019, Urban Analysis Network Syria (UrbAN-S) consortium delivered its first four-day training centered on urban profiling. Developed by JIPS and delivered together with iMMAP and Common Space Initiative (CSI), the course aimed to help organisations responding to urban displacement in Syria, to improve their understanding of analysis...Building Capacity for Urban Profiling in Cities in Conflict: UrbAN-Syria Consortium Delivered its First Training
Related Topics: Capacity development, Urban, Methods
– Published 9.Oct.2019

Place, Governance & People: Sharing Profiling Expertise at UN-Habitat’s first Assembly

At JIPS we were delighted to be able to attend UN-Habitat’s inaugural Assembly in Nairobi at the end of May 2019. Spread over a whole week, the event was a clear success for the organisation and created a space for a wide variety of thought-provoking events alongside the main agenda. Having...Place, Governance & People: Sharing Profiling Expertise at UN-Habitat’s first Assembly
Related Topics: Urban, Methods
– Published 21.Jun.2019

World Reconstruction Conference 4 – Profiling Serves as Key Information Source for Reconstruction Planning

The fourth World Reconstruction Conference in May 2019 in Geneva reaffirmed that "the inclusion of marginalised groups […] during assessment, planning and decision-making processes" is key for long-term recovery from crisis. Similarly, the event underlined the importance of bringing together a place-based with a people-based approach to achieve a comprehensive...World Reconstruction Conference 4 – Profiling Serves as Key Information Source for Reconstruction Planning
Related Topics: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Urban, Durable solutions
– Published 27.May.2019

Using Shared Evidence for Complementary Action at National & Municipal Levels: Experiences from San Pedro Sula, Honduras

During our latest mission to support profiling partners in Honduras to jointly analyse the preliminary findings, we had the opportunity to speak with Manuel Moncada, technical assistant on internal displacement at the San Pedro Sula municipality. We asked him about how the municipality is working to respond to internal displacement and...Using Shared Evidence for Complementary Action at National & Municipal Levels: Experiences from San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Related Topics: Refugee & IDP statistics, Urban, IDP policy
– Published 8.Apr.2019

Lessons Learned from Data Collection to Inform City Profiles in Syria: A Conversation with Ola Samarah, iMMAP

Conflict in Syria has led to a profoundly urban crisis. Damage, destruction and displacement are concentrated in major urban centres and cities. Gathering information to better understand their impact on urban areas and the people living in them, is a delicate task. Limited access to populations and cities, and lack...Lessons Learned from Data Collection to Inform City Profiles in Syria: A Conversation with Ola Samarah, iMMAP
Related Topics: Urban, Methods
– Published 5.Apr.2019

Advancing Profiling Practice for Improved Evidence on Forced Displacement: JIPS' annual event 2019

Internal displacement situations are diverse, challenging, complex and often evolving over time. As the Danish Ambassador Morten Jespersen noted in his opening remarks to JIPS' 2019 annual event, there are no quick fixes and humanitarian responses alone will not fully address the phenomenon. One thing that is certainly needed is quality...Advancing Profiling Practice for Improved Evidence on Forced Displacement: JIPS' annual event 2019
Related Topics: Urban, Joint analysis, Durable solutions, Community engagement
– Published 18.Feb.2019

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